Well, bad day yesterday, my first real major crash on my bicycle. And I paid for it, typing with just my one hand due to my broken left collarbone. Basically got pushed too close to the edge of the rode by some gusty winds (around noon) and ended up launching myself. There's no shoulder on the road and it drops off, not exactly sure how my wheels caught, but I ended up in heap. Everything seemed intact, but I had significant swelling in my left shoulder right away. I slowly rode back to my house, and then headed off to the emergency room, at least it was not busy and was able to see the doctor very quickly. There's not much they can do other than sling it, and provide some pills for pain management. Hopefully, this will heal up sooner rather than later, but I'd say my riding for 2008 has concluded.
I've looked over the bike some and it seems no worse for the wear. I'll do a more thorough examination before I hop back on it though.