Saturday, October 24, 2009

LiveStrong Challenge 09 - Day 2 (the 24th), the Walk

The walk was held in downtown Austin. They advise you to get there early which made parking rather easy. After walking past the Capital Building, I stopped by the 'breakfast' area and got a banana nut muffin, it was good.

I walked up to the front by the stage, and had a great vantage point for the remarks made just before the start, this year by Doug Ulman and Eric Shanteau (UT swimmer and current world champion).

They had the runners line up to the left and the walkers to the right at the start line, so I did not need to run at all, which suited me. In prior years, you needed to run a bit, just to get out of the way of the throng. There were alot of pedicabs again, weaving amongst us, I imagine they start once all the foot traffic has mostly cleared the start line.

Here's what a speedy 4 MPH looks like...

There was no UT football game in Austin this year, thus none of the tail-gating and parking concerns of the prior year.

I headed home at about 9:30, and got a short ride in to tone up the legs for the ride tomorrow.

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